About Steve

Steve Freishtat

From the founding of my company to its acquisition at the end of 2019, the journey was incredible.  Growing the business was an extraordinary experience that could not have happened without a remarkable team of very talented people that were especially committed to its success.  It was the right business model from inception, giving it an advantage in the marketplace. Although only a one-market company, it was a business that, in the end, dominated its marketplace, was a highly regarded brand and was a picture of financial health – all in a fiercely competitive segment.  It won many battles it should not have.  But what we learned along the way is what matters most.

I am sometimes asked (especially by young, start-up entrepreneurs) what the lessons learned were and if I would share them.  I do so reluctantly because they are my experiences and beliefs – and that does not make them truths.  And I do so reluctantly because I believe that one of the most critical attributes for success is humility.  I highly regard a low profile where a founder stays behind the brand and is not out in front.  Regardless of the reluctance and for what it’s worth, I am using these pages to share my lessons learned in business.

Mark Nepo, the modern poet and philosopher, wrote that “to listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.”  And perhaps this is the greatest lesson I learned – that we can grow ourselves through our businesses if we are ready to listen and willing to be changed by what we hear.